Ideas to make your retirement affordable

(Photos Courtesy Shutterstock)
May 2024
story courtesy of Family Features
Retirement means you probably have unlimited time to enjoy each day, but it doesn’t mean you have a budget to match.
You probably already know staying active is essential for aging with grace, so instead of letting limited funds keep you at home, explore some ways you can enjoy your leisure time without breaking the bank.
Hit the Gym
Many fitness centers offer special rates and programs for older adults. Hitting the track or joining a group fitness class are easy ways to socialize while getting some exercise. The discounted membership is also an investment since staying fit is important for physical and mental health.
Enjoy Early Dinner Deals
You can still enjoy dining out occasionally, especially if you take advantage of lower-cost meals designed with older adults in mind. Many specials are for meals earlier in the day, which is consistent with a growing trend toward earlier dining. Eating earlier promotes better digestion, and earlier meals are often lighter portions for smaller appetites. For example, Cracker Barrel’s Early Dinner Deals feature smaller portions served from 4-6 p.m. on weekdays.
Check Out Your Local Library
Your local library is filled with hours of free entertainment, but it’s not just the kind you’ll find from getting a library card. Most local libraries also offer programming tailored to special interests and the sessions are typically offered for free or at a low cost. It’s an easy, affordable way to pick up a new skill, meet a favorite author, learn about a topic that intrigues you, and more.
Nurture a Garden
Tending a garden may seem like a seasonal activity, but you can make it a year-round hobby. Researching and planning is a good way to carry your gardening enthusiasm into the cooler months, and you can start seedlings indoors to extend your growing season. While you’re digging into this low-cost pastime, remember the results of your efforts, such as fresh fruits and veggies, can help cut your grocery costs, too.
Mind Your Money with DIY
Saving money at the grocery store is just one way you can make DIY projects work for you. There are dozens of other examples of ways you can put your skills and interests to use by passing time doing something you enjoy, while benefiting your bank account. If you like to tinker with cars, figure out what repairs you can handle yourself to avoid hefty service fees. Crafting and sewing can provide ready-made gifts for special occasions and a way to repair or repurpose damaged clothing instead of discarding it.
Ask About Discounts
You may be surprised by how many places offer discounts for older adults that they don’t readily advertise. In some cases, you’ll find the information on their website or signage, but other times, you may find it easier to just ask. Sometimes the discounts are offered on certain days or for specific services, or they may require you to join a loyalty club to access the discounts. When dining out, many restaurants offer a variety of loyalty perks.