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March/April 2021

I subscribe to a handful of magazines, but yours is the only one I consistently read from cover to cover. Each and every article is inviting and informative, while capturing the essence of the community it describes.
Just one example is January’s cover story on Onley Community Health Center. It took me behind the masks of three medical professionals, from their work to their homes. In doing so, writer Steven Johnson helped me to better appreciate every medical professional during this pandemic.
Thank you, Cooperative Living staff!
— Suzanne Mears, Spotsylvania, Va.
I was so sorry to read about columnist Carl Knuth’s passing in your last issue. Since moving to Virginia’s Eastern Shore permanently in 2013, I have enjoyed seeing and reading his featured bird articles in the cooperative magazine. I started making a book of his articles each month and looked forward to which bird would be featured next. I hope you will continue to include this feature. He left quite a nice legacy! Thank you.
— Nancy Kemble, Bloxom, Va.
I read the recent article [February Cooperative Living] about the plant, Poet’s Laurel, Danae racemosa, and thought to get some for my garden. On further research, I found that it’s really from the Middle East and not an appropriate plant to spread here. Native plants support our songbirds by providing fruits and insects that feed on the leaves. Foreign plants just don’t feed much of anything. The widespread use of insecticides and alien plants in our yards has led to the loss of half our beloved native songbirds.
Thanks for all the great service.
— Holly Parker, Staunton, Va.
Thank you so much for those two articles about the Virginia Rosenwald schools and those schools in general [February Cooperative Living]. I first read about them years ago in the Historic Preservation magazine and was delighted to see them written about in yours. Having not grown up in the South, I was not aware of them until the last few years. I am white, but was also educated in a two-room schoolhouse during my elementary school years. Everything said by the people who attended those schools could also be said by me. I am so thrilled to see the schools are being preserved and to have read about them in Cooperative Living. Good job!
— Jeanne Lewis, Haymarket, Va.