We welcome signed letters of less than 250 words.
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- We reserve the right to edit for grammar, style and length, with a 250-word maximum for acceptance.
July 2021

So many times I’ve drafted — in my mind — a thank-you letter for an article that has enriched my life. Be it a day trip suggestion, recommended restaurant, event, or recipe. The May 2021 Garden Muse column, “A Dogwood for all Seasons,” by Paula Steers Brown, absolutely made my day. About nine years ago my wife came home with a dogwood tree. I planted it, and three years later it began blooming after all the neighborhood dogwoods were done, and bloomed with leaves. Then, later on, it would grow these weird red Christmas-looking ornaments. I, of course, knew this tree was different, but had no idea what it was. Thank you so much for clearing up a mystery. I took pictures this year and posted on Facebook with information from that article. A high school chum, who lives in Pennsylvania, thanked me, because they too have a kousa dogwood and didn’t know what it was.
– Roger Dean, Woodbridge, Va.
I just wanted to write that I’ve come to enjoy reading the Cooperative Living magazine — especially the latest about “History Hidden in the Walls.” History was never my strong desire until now. History is important and it shaped us, how we live, and how we got to be. Without history, we are nothing. It helps us know how we got to be and, yes, there are complaints, but it’s history and provides us with interest, ideas and knowledge. Without it, everything would be a boring life. Keep history alive and alone. I just really enjoyed the article.
– E. Daspit, Denton, Md.