Veterans Day Ceremony
10 a.m. | Saturday, Nov. 11 | Lexington Presbyterian Church sanctuary
This event was entrusted to the Lexington Woman’s Club because of its long record of service to the community beginning in 1911. The event could not be carried out without the work of the committee members, the support of the Club, and the giving spirit of the pastor and staff at Lexington Presbyterian Church. For more information, please contact Julie Goodrich at [email protected] or 772-696-2351.
Highland County
Join Highland County, Va., during the holiday season on Dec. 2. Slow your pace, and enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of this special time! There will be a Wintertide Arts & Crafts market, visit from Santa and a parade in Monterey. For full details, visit
Annual Main Street Christmas Village
Bath County
Dec. 16 | Bacova Beer Company
This event coincides with the Hot Springs Christmas parade. Call 540-839-5409 for more information.