One bill at a time with paperless billing

Cathy O’Donnell
It’s been eight years since member Cathy O’Donnell began her mission of decluttering her home with Prince George Electric Cooperative’s paperless billing.
According to Experian Data Quality, the average person received almost 17 pieces of mail per week in 2021. This means that the average person would receive nearly 70 pieces of mail each month.
For O’Donnell, that number was way too high. “We did not need the extra paper in our house,” she explains. Since 2015, she has intentionally reduced the pieces of mail arriving at her mailbox one by one by signing up to receive her bill via email each month.
“We get an email when the bill is ready and it lets us know how much the bill is,” she says. “We also have SmartHub so we can see our daily usage. We are also set up on AutoPay so we know the amount that will draft on the due date.”
The cooperative encourages members to join O’Donnell in takingadvantage of its paperless billing option. Sign up via the SmartHub app