Gloria Holloman
What do RURALBAND Fiber Internet and home security have in common? According to Wakefield resident Gloria Holloman, peace of mind.
Since receiving RURALBAND’s fiber-optic internet service, Holloman says she feels safer knowing that she can monitor her home’s security remotely. “My camera and security system give me peace of mind in knowing when someone is in my yard or approaches my door.”
One of the key advantages of wireless home security systems is the ability to control the system remotely.
Holloman encourages other residents who are interested in RURALBAND services to sign up, as it can help with keeping their homes and families safe.
There are still more than 5,000 members who have yet to take advantage of RURALBAND’s high-speed fiber optic connection in Prince George, Sussex, Surry and Dinwiddie (PGEC) counties. If you reside in any of these counties and have not signed up for RURALBAND’s a ordable ber-to-the-home service, RURALBAND encourages you to sign up today at RURALBAND.coop.
Those who complete an application for an eligible address where RURALBAND is offered by Jan. 31, 2024, will receive a $75 credit on their first month’s bill.