Southside Electric Cooperative wants to help high school graduates in its service area pay for higher education. The Cooperative’s Southside Opportunity Fund is accepting scholarship applications now through March 27. Scholarships will be awarded and students notified this spring.
Scholarships of $1,000 and $2,000 will b awarded to high school and home-school graduates who receive electricity at their homes from SEC, are earning their diploma or GED by the fall of 2025 and will be entering their first semester of college or trade/ technical school this fall. Proof of admission will be required if selected for a scholarship.
Selections are based on financial need (45%), academic achievement (45%) and personal statement (10%).
Scholarships will be paid to the students’ schools for tuition, student fees, lodging or textbooks.
More information, an application and a list of the documents that must be submitted can be found at sof.coop.
Created by the SEC Board of Directors, the Southside Opportunity Fund has awarded 171 scholarships totaling $199,000. Additional dollars are provided each year to help students attending the Power Line Worker Training School in Blackstone.