A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Together With You

Reduced Your Electric Bill in August
After previous rate increases due to global inflation, international conflicts and supply chain issues, REC was excited to reduce the cost you pay for electricity in August.

The cost of energy is a direct pass-through of the electricity REC purchases from Old Dominion Electric Cooperative and distributes to its member-owners, and REC was able to pass along this cost reduction to members.

The reduction means the average member has seen a cost decrease of about $5.81 per month. The savings will vary depending on the amount of electricity you use. We remain hopeful that we can lower bills even further in the near future!

Increased Savings Opportunities for You
Through Vividly Brighter Savings, you can save money in warmer months by enrolling in our Summer Savings Plan. You also can take advantage of enhanced tools, tips and calculators to keep your bill as low as possible year-round. Learn more: myrec.coop/save

Boosted Broadband Access
In April, REC celebrated a major milestone for members in Louisa and Goochland counties, as the first members were able to access broadband as a result of the Cooperative’s work.

Along with our partners and contractors, we continue to work every day to build the fiber network that will allow internet service providers to bring broadband to more REC members.

We currently have more than 1,100 members who have been newly connected with high-speed internet service and progress is underway in five other counties in our service territory.

Supported Our Communities
More than 32,000 of your friends and neighbors give back through The Power of Change. Most supporters simply round up their electric bill to the next whole dollar. Others donate a set amount or make a one-time donation.

Through their generosity, REC poured more than $239,000 back into our communities to support food pantries, veterans groups, health care for those in need and more. Learn more and enroll today: thepowerofchange.org

REC also participated in nearly 500 community events and provided $20,000 in scholarships to students attending college or career and technical schools. 2024 scholarship applications are now open: myrec.coop/scholarships

Secured a Grant to Boost Value, Reliability & Savings
The matching $38 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will allow us to strengthen the grid, improving reliability. The grant also will help REC work with you to reduce your energy use and lower your bill; support innovative renewable energy solutions; and allow us to continue building our fiber network to bring broadband to unserved and underserved communities.

Bolstered Analytics and Cybersecurity Protections
Through its BrilliT aff iliate, REC has increasingly used data to reduce power outages and improve reliability. BrilliT partners with our engineering and field teams to help crews make upgrades to ensure you have electricity when you need it. BrilliT’s cybersecurity team, meanwhile, works year-round to protect REC’s systems and your personal information.

Supported New Job-Producing Businesses
REC’s Economic Development team worked with counties that want to grow to welcome new businesses that will provide jobs and help keep your taxes low. Since 2021, for instance, REC has assisted businesses that will bring about 3,000 full-time jobs to our communities with a capital investment of more than $13.7 billion.

Improved Outage Communications
REC works year-round to prevent power outages. But when an outage is unavoidable, you can now receive enhanced outage text alerts on your phone and improved communications through the outage map on our website. Learn more: myrec.cooop/alerts