A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

Choptank Electric Co-Op
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Choptank Electric Trust Awards

The Choptank Electric Trust is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation funded by Operation RoundUp donations from members of Choptank Electric Cooperative. Funds from the Trust are distributed in all nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

September 2023: The total of approved applications was $23,542, which included $13,162 for individual home and medical expenses.

Chesapeake Film Festival: $2,000
Christ Church and First United Methodist Churches: $500
Greenmount Cemetery: $3,880
Stories Love Music: $1,000
Martin’s House & Barn: $3,000

To apply or to find out more about this program, go to www.choptankelectric.coop/operation-round-trust-fund.