A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives


2024 Fall Fair & Festivals Guide

2024 Fall Fair & Festivals Guide

In fall, it’s time to turn your clocks back an hour and give yourself more time to appreciate all the festivals and other autumn fun that co-op country has to offer! THE VIRGINIA PEANUT FESTIVAL | SEPT. 20-21 Emporia and Greensville County are stoked on peanuts — the...

Celebrating National Dog Month

Celebrating National Dog Month

Stay cool with these canine-friendly adventures August 2024 by Amanda Sue Creasey, Outdoors Writer While traditionally associated with the hot, humid slog that begins at the end of July, the dog days of summer took on a fresh meaning in 2020 when August was officially...

Aw, Shucks!

Aw, Shucks!

Virginia’s Oyster Trail and Maryland’s Crab & Oyster Trail include restaurants, seafood markets, tours, events and more.

2023 Fairs and Festivals

2023 Fairs and Festivals

Fairs and festivals are summertime staples. Whether it’s live music, bright lights, funnel cake and fireworks, or the allure of sorting through handcrafted items and watching live artisan demonstrations — these fairs and festivals have got you covered. VISIT...

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

Traveling across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is an experience. Seventeen miles over and under water lead to a peninsula that some may not realize is even a part of Virginia. Highway 13, or Lankford Highway, intersects the land and guides many to Chincoteague, the place made famous by its historical ponies grazing on the flat marshland.

The Struggle Is Real, But Worth It

The Struggle Is Real, But Worth It

We arrive at Civitan Park in Ewing, Va., at 10 a.m. on a Saturday. Including ours, five cars wait for their drivers to return from hiking to the Sand Cave in the Cumberland Gap National Historic Park.