A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

Stronger Together

Stronger Together

VMDAEC celebrates 80 years October 2024 by Gregg MacDonald, Staff Writer In 1964, when U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman proclaimed Co-Op Month a nationally...

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Keeping History Alive

Keeping History Alive

“We want to enlighten people and preserve history about local Black education prior to integration,” says Northside High School alumnus Silas Musgrove, a retired educator, school guidance counselor and coach.

Packing It In

Packing It In

I have learned to embrace staycations. I like them very much. I don’t have to decide where to go, or best of all, what to overpack.

Aw, Shucks!

Aw, Shucks!

Virginia’s Oyster Trail and Maryland’s Crab & Oyster Trail include restaurants, seafood markets, tours, events and more.

Staying in Your Lane

Staying in Your Lane

Various harvesting activities will require farmers to drive their machinery on public roadways as they work to complete their harvests.

Beyond Neighborly

Beyond Neighborly

Rosa Forrester is often referred to as the most generous person in the Northern Neck. The Richmond County native and former circuit court clerk was recently presented with the Unsung Virginian award.

Fixated on His Future

Fixated on His Future

Kaleb Jeffries watches only one TV channel — The Weather Channel. The repeated use of drone footage in covering storms and viewing ocean life from above fascinates the 23-year-old.