Spicebush yields early flowers, red berries and yellow fall foliage September 2024 [gallery order="ASC" columns="2" main_size="full" thumb_size="medium" style="random"...
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Jumping Jehoshaphat!
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I have had a clutch of crickets inside my house these past two summers. They are difficult, if not impossible, to kill. I have even sprayed them with bleach. They keep moving. If some reader out there knows how to rid a house of crickets, please let me know.
Eat Your Spinach
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I’m strong to the finish ’cause I eats me spinach!” – Popeye
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A recent poll found that dogs caused a majority of drivers to be distracted on U.S. roadways.
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PBS Appalachia Virginia can currently be watched in its service area through local cable providers, live streamed via the website: PBSAVirginia.org or the mobile app: PBS Appalachia Virginia, and accessed on demand at PBS.org or through the mobile app.
Don’t Sweat It
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If your air conditioning unit is working overtime to keep your home cool, there are some simple tips to ensure your HVAC system runs optimally. Make sure to change the air filters and get your unit serviced
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Keeping Up with Current Trends
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Charging is a crucial concern among new electric vehicle owners, whether plug-in hybrid or full electric. Fear of inconvenience is one of the biggest barriers to widespread adoption of electric vehicles. You might be concerned that there aren’t enough public charging stations in the area––and even if there are public charging stations nearby, do you really want to rely on them any time you need to refuel?