Even if you’re facing the holidays without beloved members of your family, there’s still lots to do for the holiday hustle.
Teach Your Children Well
July 2023
Educating kids on energy use and costs can help engage them in your family’s goal to use less electricity. They can be electric conservation champions if you ask them to help. Here are some ways you can teach kids to use less electricity.
Breathe Easy
July 2023
Work demands, household management, and taking care of family, and ourselves, have become stressful, omnipresent forces affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. However, we all possess an extraordinary tool for combating stress right within us: our breath. Harnessing the power of breathwork techniques can bring about profound relaxation, restore inner balance and promote overall well-being.
Planting Seeds
July 2023
Future farmers, lawyers, mechanics, veterinarians and even some aspiring lineworkers visited with representatives from 40 organizations promoting a variety of career options at the Career & Opportunity Expo preceding the Virginia FFA State Convention on June 22.
Do you know about the Roanoke Black Cardinals?
July 2023
Mercer’s passion for rocks and gemstones began as a child. He says one of his earliest memories is taking an empty chocolate candy box that his father gave his mother for Valentine’s Day, and filling it instead with colorful rocks found in his Cape Cod, Mass., hometown.
Making The Cut
June 2023
Mercer’s passion for rocks and gemstones began as a child. He says one of his earliest memories is taking an empty chocolate candy box that his father gave his mother for Valentine’s Day, and filling it instead with colorful rocks found in his Cape Cod, Mass., hometown.
2023 Fairs and Festivals
June 2023
Fairs and festivals are summertime staples. Whether it’s live music, bright lights, funnel cake and fireworks, or the allure of sorting through handcrafted items and watching live artisan demonstrations — these fairs and festivals have got you covered. VISIT...