A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

Beep, Beep!

Beep, Beep!

Low-speed electric vehicles are an alternative to full-size models October 2024 story courtesy of Brandpoint Spend a few days in a waterfront town, vacation destination...

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A View of History

IF YOU FOLLOW VIRGINIA’S POWELL RIVER WEST TOWARD THE TENNESSEE BORDER, you will eventually find yourself in majestic Powell Valley; a geologic wonder that boasts one of the most dramatic elevation changes in Virginia.

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Enjoying What’s Left of Summer

Summer is in full swing with all the popular vacation spots filling up and outdoor activities taking place everywhere you look.

Party Animals!

Party Animals!

Submit a photo for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card!

Finding Summer’s Happy Ending

Finding Summer’s Happy Ending

This seasonal shifting in the natural world sends a signal that a change is coming. Suddenly it begins to look and feel like back-to-school time! Knowing that your carefree moments are disappearing always makes summer’s end a hard goodbye. Yet, there are many fun ways to bridge the gap between the two seasons that will help make the transition easier.

Jumping Jehoshaphat!

Jumping Jehoshaphat!

I have had a clutch of crickets inside my house these past two summers. They are difficult, if not impossible, to kill. I have even sprayed them with bleach. They keep moving. If some reader out there knows how to rid a house of crickets, please let me know.