A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

Going Green For Dairy Month

Going Green For Dairy Month

The dairy farmers of Maryland & Virginia Milk Producers Cooperative Association (MDVA) have formed an unlikely friendship.



Ever since people learned to use needles and thread, fashion has fascinated people. Today, Hollywood stars model the latest styles at award shows, but during the 19th century Gilded Age, many scions of business tycoons set the trends.

How Sweet It Was

How Sweet It Was

If a historic property could ever conjure up images of days gone by, it is Sweet Springs Resort Park in eastern Monroe County, W. Va.

The Few, The Proud, The Selfless

The Few, The Proud, The Selfless

Every year, the United Service Organizations (USO) honors junior enlisted service members who have exhibited a commitment to protecting and serving others both on and off duty.

Bending With the Times

Bending With the Times

One of the hottest terms and trends in home design is flexible spaces. More and more people are wanting to get more and more utility from rooms, and they are designing spaces with a variety of uses in mind.