A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Spicing Up the Season

Spicing Up the Season

Spicebush yields early flowers, red berries and yellow fall foliage September 2024 [gallery order="ASC" columns="2" main_size="full" thumb_size="medium" style="random"...

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Black Cherry

Black Cherry

Black cherries make handsome specimen trees. White flowers hang in four- to six-inch, upright to pendulous clusters. They are visited by native bees, honeybees, flies and beetles, and, after pollination, they form purple to blue-black fruits.

Ash: A Tree on the Brink

Ash: A Tree on the Brink

A mature, open-grown white ash is a magnificent tree. It grows straight and true, with bark ridges that interlace to form elongated diamonds.

Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud

Few spring sights rival the impact of rounding a curve on a back-country road and coming upon a group of Eastern redbud trees in flower.

Loblolly Pine

Loblolly Pine

Across much of the southeast U.S., including in the mid-Atlantic, pines are a prominent part of our forests and woodlands. Loblolly pine is planted more often than any of its cousins.