Even if you’re facing the holidays without beloved members of your family, there’s still lots to do for the holiday hustle.
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Heat Waves, School Supplies and Bears, Oh My!
August 2023
In Walmart last week, mother after mother pushed past me with carts heaped with notebooks, pens, crayons, markers, glue sticks and reams of lined paper.
Jumping Jehoshaphat!
July 2023
I have had a clutch of crickets inside my house these past two summers. They are difficult, if not impossible, to kill. I have even sprayed them with bleach. They keep moving. If some reader out there knows how to rid a house of crickets, please let me know.
Let Me Tell You About My Family Vacation
June 2023
I have so many great memories of our family vacations. Whether we were going to Connecticut to see relatives, or to some “remote” beach my parents had discovered, it was truly always an adventure. I can still laugh out loud at many of the antics and occurrences.
It’s Turtle Season
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Where Eagles Dare
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It’s May — the month when there are more birds in Virginia than at any other time.
Saints Preserve Us
March 2023
Our poor excuse for winter is over now. At least, I’d like to think so. The latest I’ve seen it snow is April 19, though — so there’s still time to be walloped by a flurry of flakes.