It’s hard to believe it is already May. This year seems to be flying by in a hurry. May is a month that has everyone enjoying springtime temperatures, outside activities, everything in bloom, and the very beginning of pool and beach season. Some of our outside...
IT’S EASY TO PLAY! Just search the pages of for colorful hidden Easter eggs, like the ones above. They could be hidden anywhere on! Count the eggs as you find them. Then come back to this page or click on the banner on the homepage and...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis euismod quam, condimentum dapibus magna. Quisque dictum, sapien a finibus fringilla, nunc turpis pharetra odio, sed vestibulum massa dolor et sapien. Curabitur blandit feugiat ante, rhoncus placerat est...
Willy D’s Pool Que, representing Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, scored big in this year’s Gaff-n-Grill competition, which was part of the Gaff-n-Go Lineworker Rodeo held in May.