A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Member Awareness

Member Awareness

October means that fall is in full swing with the weather cooling, leaves changing, and pumpkins being set out and carved.

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

The fall season also meant that fairs and festivals would be in full swing, and that we could meet our friends and enjoy all the games and entertainment they provided.

Enjoying What’s Left of Summer

Enjoying What’s Left of Summer

Summer is in full swing with all the popular vacation spots filling up and outdoor activities taking place everywhere you look.

Summertime in Co-op Country

Summertime in Co-op Country

Summer is in full swing with all the popular vacation spots filling up and outdoor activities taking place everywhere you look.

Early Summer Flowers, Vacations and Graduations

Early Summer Flowers, Vacations and Graduations

For me, June is about school graduations, the start of summer vacation and flowers bursting into full bloom. The temperatures start getting warmer and the beaches start getting busier.

Singing the Praises of May

Singing the Praises of May

It’s hard to believe it is already May. This year seems to be flying by in a hurry. May is a month that has everyone enjoying springtime temperatures, outside activities, everything in bloom, and the very beginning of pool and beach season. Some of our outside...