A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Farms, Football and Family Fun 

Farms, Football and Family Fun 

September 2024 September has always been a transition month for me with the new school year starting, temperatures changing, baseball playoffs coming into full swing,...

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The Return of Our High-Climbing Heroes

The Return of Our High-Climbing Heroes

This month, we are excited to welcome back our Gaff-n-Go rodeo, where lineworkers compete in events that test their skills, endurance and teamwork, with a focus on safety.

Honoring the Men and Women Who Keep the Lights On

Honoring the Men and Women Who Keep the Lights On

On April 11, we honor our lineworkers on Lineworker Appreciation Day, which has been designated by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association as the second Monday in April. These brave men and women are on the front lines 24/7 year-round, doing whatever it...

The Retirement of a Distinguished Leader — and His Column

The Retirement of a Distinguished Leader — and His Column

The Retirement of a Distinguished Leader — and His Column Looking ahead, with a bow to the pastJune 2021I hope everyone had a chance to read Richard Johnstone’s Viewpoint column in the May issue of Cooperative Living. His literary skills have been on display...