Curiosity Almost Flushed the Cat
Ramses is a very curious cat. "My
husband and I were in the process of remodeling our bathroom. We left the
old toilet bowl in the front room while we finished putting in the new
one. When I came out, I had to laugh when I saw Ramses
checking out the old potty," writes Lizz Koedam of Spotsylvania.

Just For, Uh, Kids
"Little Tykes is for kids, isn't it?" writes H.
Blackburn of Spotsylvania.

Cutie In A Coffee Cup
Nothing like a cup of love in the morning. Sent in by Ralph Cramer of

Caught With Nose In Jar
"Megan (head in jar) was the one who knocked down the food jar to
get an extra meal. Her sister, Topaz, wanted a snack, too." writes
the Fraziers from Centreville..

Butting Heads
"A.J. and Jack the goat are playing King of the Rock at grandma
and grandpa's house in Pennsylvania," writes James and Christine
Bogdanovitch of Gretna.

Somedoggy Looks Goofy
"This is Carrie, our 12 yr. old part-Dashund and part-Terrier.
She is very loveable and is always ready for whatever we dress her in,"
writes owners Ray and Becky Watts of Crewe.

Doin' Time On The Porch
Doin' time on the porch, Susie enjoys hanging out at home. Sent in by
David and Shelly Beale of Ruther Glen.

Woe Begone Puppy
"My daughter and her husband had gone camping and it rained
(hard) and the dog couldn't go out, so the tent got awfully small,"
writes Ms. Marjorie Beiler of Brodnax.