Doggie Diva
" This is Chloe all
dressed up by grandaughter Tinsley," writes owners Don and Faye
Foster of Parksley.

Feeding Time
Two-year-old Reid Stanley and his grandfather, Stephen Graves, of
Aylett. "My father raises Polled Herefords and this calf was orphaned
and Reid and his grandfather fed it and took care of it this summer,
writes Catherine Graves Stanley of Aylett.

Window Watchers
These curious cats, Charlie and Little Girl, can't help
themselves. Sent in by Joyce Trykowsky of Buena Vista..

An Odd Sight
Is it an oddly-shaped tree, or is it a large
duck's head with a top knot of snow? That is the question. Photo sent in
by Pat Adams of Newport.

Wrong Size
Bidy, a miniature Pinscher, is trying on a new pair of shoes, but it
doesn't seem to fit. Photo sent in by Lucas and Matheus Fermino of

Cat Supper
Wiggles is "cooking" on his little play stove that Santa
brought his owner in the 30s. Photo sent in by Sue Shelor of Salem.

Fast Friends
"Our cat, Stinkey Jingles, is having a conversation with a
squirrel on our deck," writes Laurie Priebe of

Puss in Sneakers
"This is the newest addition to our family, Rascal, and he's
definitely made himself at home!" writes Isaac Conley and Tonya
Foster of Orange.