Yes to NAIS:
Don Gardner Practices What He Preaches
Don Gardner, D.V.M., Contributing Writer
I have been following with interest
and much dismay the dialogue regarding the
anti-animal-identification-system movement in
and some areas of this great country.
If you believe the naysayers, this is
all some grand conspiracy of the federal government to snoop into our
business or figure out a way to tax us more. Nothing could be further from
the truth.
The concept for a National Animal Iden�tif�ication
System (NAIS) came about from a push by concerned individuals in the
livestock industry. I attended the first national animal-ID conference,
held in
St. Louis
10 years ago, as a representative of the Pro�fes�sional
Dairy Heifer Growers Association and the Ameri�can
Association of Bovine Practitioners.
After the manual ID system faded by
the wayside with the success of the brucellosis- and tuberculosis-control
program here in the
, federal animal-disease-control veterinarians were left with no efficient
means to do trace-backs when serious disease outbreaks occurred. This is
one reason TB in cattle is again rearing its ugly head in several states.
Most of our international trading
partners have national animal ID systems and, in fact, the World Trade
Organization has a branch called the International Epizootics Organi�zation
that sets requirements for such things regarding movement of livestock and
livestock products. The
United States
has been out of compliance in this area for some time, and this is one
reason we have lost some of our overseas markets. We are in the food
business � not the cattle or chicken business. Customers are requiring
source information and records of management systems that
can only be met with an
system that can follow an animal back
to its place of birth.
Market Demands responsiblity
The days of anonymity, where you do as
you wish with no responsibility, are over. The market demands it. These
issues will have to be addressed if you wish to be successful and not just
a hobbyist playing at being a farmer. Agriculture is like any other
business in today�s world. It is a capital-intensive, complicated
business that requires a lot of knowledge and forward thinking. For a
major industry that has contributed to a positive balance of trade for
years to be dragged down by a small bunch of vocal fringe groups is a
tragic misdirection.
As a result of such activists�
efforts, the federal government has backed off on the mandatory aspect of
the National Animal Identification System and made it voluntary, therefore
making it virtually worthless as a disease-control mechanism. After two
years, only 25 percent of farms have premise IDs registered. As a result
of this, a group has been formed in the dairy industry to encourage our
membership to register their farm premises, called IDairy. It is composed
of representatives of the Holstein Association, the Jersey Association,
the Dairy Herd Improvement Association, the National Association of Animal
Breeders and the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association that I represent.
Similar groups in the beef cattle,
poultry and swine industries exist as well. We are all concerned that, in
the event of a foreign animal-disease outbreak, such as the foot-and-mouth
that devastated the British livestock industry, our trace-back mechanisms
here in the
are inadequate to quickly identify farms and quarantine them. During the
2006 blizzards in southeast
, the National Guard used the premise ID GPS locations to find and fly in
hay to snow-bound beef herds. IDairy has chosen the National Farm Animal
Identification and Records system to be the dairy industry�s database.
In addition to the $2.75 cost of the RFID tag, all events and movements
that may need to be reported for the life of the animal will cost an
additional one-time 5-cents charge when the RFID tag is purchased. If a
farmer can�t afford an additional $2.80 per cow, then he is bankrupt
already and should go ahead and get out of the business. Most beef calves
that have RFID tags and are recorded into a database when born are already
commanding $25 to $30 per head premium because that allows them to meet
certain export markets that require age verification. I�ll take a 10 to
1 return on investment any day.
the irony of dissent
It is ironic that many members of the
organic food movement are against the NAIS. It seems the only advertising
message they have is running down the abundant food products that
conventional agriculture produces to feed the world. Since they are
constantly railing about food safety, it would seem they would want to
promote accountability.
I have known our state veterinarian,
Dr. Richard Wilkes, for over 30 years, and he deserves and has the utmost
respect and support of the
veterinary and agriculture communities. I serve that community as the
secretary-treasurer of the Virginia Academy of Food Animal Practitioners,
and at our last annual conference we passed a resolution recommending to
legislature that they not pass any legislation that is anti-NAIS. This
same stance is endorsed by the American Veterinary Medical Association,
the Ameri�can
Association of Bovine Prac�ti�tioners
and the American Associ�ation
of Swine Practitioners.
I would hope that the responsible
members of
�s agricultural industry stand up for what is right and good for the
future of our business. A national animal identification system�s time
has come and is needed to safeguard our future status in the world
marketplace. Let�s not let the naysayers derail that future.
Your View? Obviously,
there are at least two sides to every issue. Do you have a different
view? This column is meant to provoke thought, so keep sending
comments. Each one is read with the utmost interest. Send e-mail to: [email protected],
or send written responses to the editor. Mail will be forwarded
to the author. |