A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives


Preventing Gridlock 

Preventing Gridlock 

The difference between baseload and intermittent power  August 2024 by Scott Flood, Contributing Columnist It’s one of those incredibly hot days when even the air becomes unbearable. You crank up the air conditioner on the way home from work, and the first thing you...

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Planting Seeds of Safety

Planting Seeds of Safety

Protect new trees by putting them in safe places March 2024 by Scott Flood, Contributing Columnist “Why can’t they just leave my trees alone?” If you’ve ever wondered that as you’ve watched a tree-trimming crew change the look of your favorite tree, you’ll find the...

Electrifying Tractors

Electrifying Tractors

It’s no surprise that sensitivity to fuel costs and a growing desire for energy independence are driving innovation in electric vehicles. Similarly, these factors are creating increased interest in electric farming equipment.

How to Set Your Thermostat

How to Set Your Thermostat

Heating and cooling account for about half the energy used in a typical home, so it’s a great place to use less energy. When used wisely, your thermostat can help reduce wasted energy.

Is It Time For A Smart Thermostat?

Is It Time For A Smart Thermostat?

Thermostats control the cooling and heating systems in the home. In the winter, they turn on the heat when the inside temperature near the thermostat drops below the setpoint, and turn it off when they sense the temperature has risen above it.