A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives


Testing Your Energy IQ

Testing Your Energy IQ

Intelligent insights about buying smart appliances January-February 2025 by Scott Flood, Contributing Columnist This time of year, retailers start trumpeting deep discounts on home appliances. That’s great if you’ve considered replacing some of your home’s tired...

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Opening Up the Future

Opening Up the Future

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. Young people aspiring to become prominent business professionals can now get a head start on the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful entrepreneurs before they leave high school.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

With a variety of options on the market, consumers who are shopping for a new vehicle have a lot to consider these days. Should they buy another gas-powered internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle? Should they go fully electric? What about a hybrid?

A Heated Conversation

A Heated Conversation

Air conditioning is a benefit of heat pump technology August 2024 by Miranda Boutelle, Contributing Columnist Q: My heating system is 10-plus years old, and I want to switch to a heat pump. Can you help me choose...

An Intelligent Approach

An Intelligent Approach

Potential future uses of AI in the co-op world July 2024 by Scott Flood, Contributing Columnist Unless you’ve just awakened from an incredibly long nap, you've probably been hearing plenty about artificial intelligence. Much of what you’ve heard is likely either...

Dialing It Down

Dialing It Down

Signs your HVAC system might be in trouble July 2024 by Miranda Boutelle, Contributing Columnist Q: How do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning? A: There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or...

Keeping Cool

Keeping Cool

Four ways to reduce energy bills this summer July 2024 story courtesy of Family Features With temperatures forecasted to run at least two degrees higher than historical averages across more than half the country, according to projections from AccuWeather, heat waves...

Getting the Lights Back On

Getting the Lights Back On

Anatomy of a power outage June 2024 by Scott Flood, Contributing Columnist A stray bolt of lightning connects a menacing cloud with a power pole about a mile east of your home. Your lights flicker briefly before going out. Things become eerily quiet as all your home’s...

Chilling Out

Chilling Out

Tips on how to stay cool and be eco-friendly June 2024 story courtesy of Family Features Updating your HVAC system to cool your home smartly and sustainably involves several steps that not only improve energy efficiency, but can also reduce environmental impact....